Are you too high? A promising new ‘comedown drug’ may be on the way
A drug that blocks the brain’s cannabinoid receptors is now in clinical trials and showing promising results. The post Are you too high? A promising...
Gwinn brothers become Florida’s first Black medical cannabis licensees
The Gwinn brothers were born and raised on Florida farms. They’re now the first Black farmers in the state licensed to grow medical cannabis. The...
7 questions to ask before you become a budtender
Budtending is a great way to get into the cannabis industry, but what’s the best way to become a budtender? The post 7 questions to...
How budtenders can better serve customers and patients
Budtenders are expected to provide a certain level of customer service for patients and customers. Check out more budtending tips here. The post How budtenders...
Proof That God is a Weed-Loving Libertarian Anarchist
This is why I decided to write about God today and make the argument for his Libertarian-anarchist views on reality in order to reach some...
There Are 17,000 Medical Marijuana Patients in the UK and Many of Them Still Use the Illicit Market for Weed?
It is currently estimated that 17,000 people in the UK have received legally prescribed cannabis to treat various ailments, including chronic pain, depression, sleeplessness, and...
The Australian Government May Legalize Recreational Cannabis for the Whole Country, Bypassing States’ Prohibition Laws
The Greens’ justice spokesman, David Shoebridge, said the opinion from constitutional attorney Patrick Keyzer prepared the path for new federal laws as the minority party...
Flower Is Still King in the Cannabis World, But For How Long? – Digging into Cananbis Consumer Research
A recent study shows that flower truly still reigns. The study which researchers claim to be one of; if not the most thorough reviews of...
The Myth of Social Equity in the Cannabis Industry – The Odds are Stacked Against SE and EE Applicants from Day #1
Many people in social equity desire to see more significant improvements in their local communities, including increasing diversity among business owners and executives. Many of...
Supreme Court trial on homegrow ban reveals a bigger issue in federal cannabis legalization
Does federal legalization only matter if the provinces agree? One man is challenging Quebec’s personal cannabis cultivation ban and, after three years, the case has...