Why the Next Bong You Buy Should Be a Glass Bong
If you’re considering purchasing a new bong, one type that stands out for many good reasons is the glass bong. Glass bongs have gained immense...
Guess Which Liberal, Free-Wheeling State Is the First to Allow Pharmacies to Sell Cannabis Oil? – Georgia!
The Georgia Board of Pharmacy has initiated the process of receiving applications from licensed, independent pharmacies seeking approval to distribute authorized medical marijuana products. According...
What is Stacking and Why Are Cannabis Companies Suing Cities and Towns Over It?
A dispensary in St. Louis County initiated a lawsuit against Missouri, asserting that imposing multiple sales taxes on recreational marijuana sales by municipalities and counties...
How Not to Smell Like Weed Right After You Just Smoked a Ton of Weed
Regardless of the motivation behind the need to hide the smell of cannabis, here are some quick suggestions for eliminating or preventing the smell of...
Got Stones? – Cannabis Can Lower the Risk of Kidney Stones in Men Says New Medical Study
The investigation led by Chinese researchers illuminates the intriguing link between cannabis consumption and the occurrence of kidney stones, primarily within the male demographic. Although...
$5,700,000,000 in Just 18 Months – States Hit the Jackpot Collecting Marijuana Tax Revenue
The U.S. Census Bureau recently unveiled its inaugural report on state-level marijuana tax revenue data, marking a significant milestone in its approach to the cannabis...
The European Cannabis Market – Are You Buying or Selling the Hype?
Europe’s potential in the cannabis industry reaches towering heights like the Eiffel Tower. It’s high time for cannabis businesses to embrace this promising continent fully....
The 10 Most Significant Dates in Cannabis History (2024 Update)
Most people don’t understand the history of cannabis, and I don’t blame them. The truth of the matter is that cannabis history is quite significant...
7 Cannabis-Themed Halloween Costumes To Light Up Your Halloweed Night!
There you have it – 7 ways to rep cannabis culture this Halloween with creative costumes. These out-of-the-box concepts guarantee memorable stoner flair at any...
Cannabis Companies Could Be Sitting on Billions of Dollars in Tax Refund Credits from the IRS if 280E Gets Eliminated
A combination of tax strategies can assist cannabis companies in alleviating their tax burden by Section 280E of the federal tax code. If recent legal...