Don’t Laugh But Psychedelics May Be Legalized Before Cannabis in America
Although the cannabis industry is shaky at the moment, there’s no doubt that it has established itself as one of the fastest-growing industries worldwide. Investors...
German Conservative Party Steps Up to Block Cannabis Legalization in Germany and the European Union
Last week, the head of the largest opposition party in Germany condemned the nation’s intention to decriminalize marijuana and pleaded with the EU to intervene...
The Steaks Have Never Been Higher! – What Happened When Dairy Cows Got Fed Hemp
Currently, there are studies going on to see what the effects of hemp-based animal feed are doing to the byproducts of these animals. For example,...
How to Choose the Best CBD Oil for Your Body and Lifestyle
What is CBD Oil? There are two primary compounds in cannabis plants: delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC has psychoactive effects (mind high). At...
A Boom or Bust to the Black Market? – Cookies to Start Selling Their Legendary Marijuana Seeds Directly to Consumers
On overcoming the illicit market and selling seeds directly to consumers: “It’s simple – you grow something that the streets don’t have,” Berner explained. “It’s...
Marijuana Myth Busting – Fact Checking Cannabis Myths and Urban Legends
I don’t know about you but I despise the concept of “Fact Checkers”. I have no problem with people providing accurate facts about any particular...
Every Demographic in America Wants Cannabis Legalization Except Older Conservatives and Churchgoers Says New Gallup Poll
According to a statistical analysis that concurrently accounts for the influence of numerous respondent factors, the most significant determinants of marijuana attitudes are ideology, religiosity,...
Teen Vaping Stats – How the CDC is Cooking the Books for Clickbait Headlines
For the sake of the foundation, it is an annual survey conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The results of the...
Stop Licking Frogs Trying to Get High Warns National Park Rangers
Earlier this month, the National Park Service had to release a warning letter to all park visitors stating that they should not lick or have...
Los Angeles Raises Cannabis Tax Rates Keeping the Illicit Market Alive and Well in California
Voters adopted Measure C earlier this month, setting a tax schedule for these enterprises once they are eventually allowed, in the interim. The proposal established...