How long do magic mushrooms stay in your system?
Leafly experts explain how long shroom highs can last at different doses, and how long after a trip you can fail a drug test. The...
Quebec covers psilocybin therapy under medical insurance in historic first
Quebec became the first place to cover psilocybin-assisted therapy under medical insurance last week, another push to legalize psilocybin and other psychedelics for medical benefits....
New York’s illicit weed products are weak and full of toxins, study finds
New York’s illicit marijuana stores are booming, but a new study finds they’re selling weak bud that threatens public health and undermines the actual legal...
Can cannabis help you lose weight?
Research suggests that cannabis users are significantly less likely to be obese than non-users (despite its ability to provoke the munchies). Learn more about how...
No, marijuana is not more harmful than tobacco
Another questionable study is being used to stoke Reefer Madness 2.0. Here’s what that study really found, and why it’s being used to mislead the...
New study shows psilocybin can help with severe depression
A large dose of psilocybin, the active ingredient in psychedelic mushrooms, was shown to help people suffering from a type of severe depression in a...
Why does weed smell skunky?
The scent of weed is an unmistakable calling card, but what makes it smell that way? Check out the science of weed’s skunky compounds and...
New York loosened weed testing rules for mold and yeast—Here’s why
Sounds gross, but it’s probably going to be OK. Leafly spoke to experts from across the industry to weight the pros and cons. The post...
No, your kid’s Halloween candy hasn’t been tainted with THC
The US just can’t kick its fear of tainted Halloween candy. Leafly spoke with experts to find out why the myth endures and how to...
Mindfulness and marijuana: How breathwork and cannabis work together
Learn about the similarities between practicing breathwork and consuming cannabis, and how the two can work together to create beneficial effects for individuals. The post...